“…I am listening to you as someone and something I do not know yet, on the basis of a freedom and an openness put aside for this moment. I am listening to you: I encourage something unexpected to emerge, some becoming, some growth, some new dawn, perhaps. I am listening to you, prepares the way for the not-yet-coded, for silence, for a space for existence, initiative, free intentionality, and support for your becoming.”
(Luce Irigaray, I Love to you)

Sonic Acts of Noticing is a ongoing series of Workshops i facilitated since 2021. Born out of a desire to have a communal sounding practice. Communal in its most extensive way. The aim is to offer a space for people to come together to share embodied experience of simultaneity, plurality and polyphony without pressure to perform virtuously but to temporarily join the choir of continuity.
The workshops took place in different environments such as the dense forests surrounding Zürich and the relatively open Furka-Pass heights above the tree line. These outdoor settings were not only important as an attempt to liberate listening and sounding from the indoors and its acoustic and cultural conventions, but also provided a sonic non-human plurality that I was interested to collectively tune into and learn from.
Although these workshops are inspired by listening practices as developed by Pauline Oliveros and Annea Lockwood amongst others. These workshops are not about listening too, listening for, they are more about listening with, listening through. a kind of sonic sharing.